Manufacturers of these high quality products …
Click on the images below to learn more about these incredible products.
Mighty Deer Lick Sweet Apple Block
4 lb & 25 lb feed blocks
These Real Apple Flavored Blocks are made with the highest quality products and pure fresh apple flavor! The Sweet Apple Blocks have been scientifically developed to be both attractive to deer and nutritionally important for their health and superior antler growth.
Mighty Horse Sweet Apple Block
4 lb & 25 lb feed blocks
The blocks combine essential Salt, fresh apple flavor, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine and cobalt. Unlike other trace mineralized salt blocks, the Sweet Apple Blocks also contain calcium and phosphorus, which are essential to strong bones, energy transfer and lactation in mares.
NutriFeed LLC
Nutritional Feed Solutions
W4249 Hwy US 2
Powers, MI 49874